Duration of combined degree

For this combined degree program, 144 units must be completed, equivalent to 4 years full time study.

Bachelor of Business (Advanced Leadership) component

Students will choose either the:

OR one of the following named specialisations:

Bachelor of Business (Advanced Leadership)

Core topics (for all specialisations)

49.5 units comprising:

 BUSN1001  Accounting Principles  (4.5 units)*
 BUSN1009  Quantitative Methods  (4.5 units)*
 BUSN1012  Management, People and Organisation  (4.5 units)*
 BUSN1013  Economics for Business  (4.5 units)*
 BUSN1019  Law for Business  (4.5 units)*
 BUSN2034  Workplace and Business Communication  (4.5 units)*
 BUSN2023  Advanced Business Seminar (4.5 units)*
 BUSN3044  Industry Placement (Business)  (4.5 units)*
 BUSN3052  Leadership in Business and Society  (4.5 units)*
 BUSN3055   Strategic Management (4.5 units)
 BUSN3061  Special topic in Advanced Business (4.5 units)*

Plus one of the following specialisations:

Specialisation - Business Economics 

31.5 units comprising:

 BUSN1008  Introductory Macroeconomics  (4.5 units)
 BUSN2031  Business Forecasting  (4.5 units)
 BUSN2040  Macroeconomics  (4.5 units)
 BUSN2043  Managerial Economics  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3056  International Trade  (4.5 units)

Plus 9 units selected from:

 BUSN2022  The Australian Economy  (4.5 units) 
 BUSN2024  Sustainable Resource Management  (4.5 units)
 BUSN2027  International Finance  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3053  Multinational Corporations: America, Japan and Australia  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3057  Environmental Economics  (4.5 units)

Specialisation - Entrepreneurship

31.5 units comprising:

 BUSN1022  Marketing Principles  (4.5 units)
 BUSN2026  Entrepreneurship and Small Business  (4.5 units)
 BUSN2037  Financial Management  (4.5 units
 BUSN2038  Human Resource Management  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3026  Business Planning for New Ventures  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3027  E-Business  (4.5 units)
 STEP3701  Innovation Management  (4.5 units)

Specialisation - Human Resource Management

For this combined degree program, 144 units must be completed, equivalent to 4 years full time study plus 0.5 years part time study.

49.5 units comprising: 
 BUSN1021  Organisational Behaviour  (4.5 units)
 BUSN2030  Training and Development  (4.5 units)

 BUSN2032  Recruitment and Selection  (4.5 units)
 BUSN2038  Human Resource Management  (4.5 units)
 BUSN2044  Managing Diversity  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3032  Reward and Performance Management  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3033  Occupational Health and Safety  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3035  Employee Relations  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3050  International Human Resource Management  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3253  Labour Law  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3059  Human Resource Strategy and Change Management  (4.5 units)

Specialisation - International Business

31.5 units comprising:

 BUSN2019  International Business Context  (4.5 units)
 BUSN2039  International Business Management  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3037  Import-Export Theory and Practice  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3050  International Human Resource Management  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3051  International Marketing  (4.5 units)

plus two of

 BUSN2027  International Finance  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3036  International Business Project  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3038  International Business Negotiations  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3039  Corporate Sustainability in Global Markets  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3053  Multinational Corporations: America, Japan and Australia  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3056  International Trade  (4.5 units)

Specialisation - Management

31.5 units comprising

 BUSN1021  Organisational Behaviour  (4.5 units)
 BUSN1022  Marketing Principles  (4.5 units)
 BUSN2024  Sustainable Resource Management  (4.5 units)
 BUSN2038  Human Resource Management  (4.5 units)
 BUSN2039  International Business Management  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3027  E-Business  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3059  Human Resource Strategy and Change Management  (4.5 units)

Specialisation - Marketing 

31.5 units comprising:

 BUSN1022  Marketing Principles  (4.5 units)
 BUSN2020  Consumer Behaviour  (4.5 units)
 BUSN2028  Market Research  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3042  Strategic Marketing  (4.5 units)   
 BUSN3051  International Marketing  (4.5 units)   

plus two of

 BUSN2033  Marketing Communications  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3027  E-Business  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3030  Marketing Applications  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3040  Marketing Project  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3041  Services Marketing  (4.5 units)

Bachelor of Commerce (Advanced Leadership and Sustainability) component

Core topics

54 units comprising:

 BUSN1001 Accounting Principles (4.5 units)*
 BUSN1009 Quantitative Methods (4.5 units)*
 BUSN1012 Business Communication (4.5 units)*
 BUSN1013 Economics for Business (4.5 units)*
 BUSN1019 Law for Business (4.5 units)*
 COMP1301 Information Systems in Business (4.5 units)
 BUSN2023  Advanced Business Seminar (4.5 units)*
 BUSN2034  Workplace and Business Communication  (4.5 units)*
 BUSN3043 Governance Sustainability and Ethics (4.5 units)
 BUSN3044  Industry Placement (Business)  (4.5 units)*
 BUSN3052  Leadership in Business and Society  (4.5 units)*
 BUSN3061  Special topic in Advanced Business (4.5 units)*

Specialisation - Sustainability

31.5 units comprising:

 BUSN2024  Sustainable Resource Management  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3039  Corporate Sustainability in Global Markets  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3057  Environmental Economics  (4.5 units)
 ENVS1702  Environment, Economy and Culture  (4.5 units)
 POLI2012  Environmental Politics  (4.5 units)

Plus 9 units selected from:

 ASST3011  Environment and Development in Asia  (4.5 units)
 DVST2701  Sustainable Development  (4.5 units)
 ECOT1101  Ecotourism 1  (4.5 units)
 ENVS1701  Environmental Studies  (4.5 units)
 ENVS2721  Environmental Decision Making Tools  (4.5 units)
 ENVS2722  Environment in Film  (4.5 units)
 ENVS3732  Environmental Impact Assessment  (4.5 units)
 ENVS3742  Issues in Environmental Management  (4.5 units)
 GEOG2711  Australian Environmental Change  (4.5 units)
 GEOG2712  Asian Regional Development  (4.5 units)
 GEOG2722  Society and Space  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3242  Environmental Law**  (4.5 units)
 PHIL2604  Environmental Philosophy  (4.5 units)
 SOCI2007  Sociology of Nature and the Environment  (4.5 units)

Or (Subject to permission to undertake a project)

 BUSN3026  Business Planing for new Ventures  (4.5 units)
 BUSN3045  Industry Project*** (students will conduct an environment-related project)  (4.5 units)

* Topics core to both degrees. These only need to be done once and are counted only once.
* Permission required as prerequisites apply
** Quotas apply and access will be competitive


For the combined degree, sufficient General Electives to bring the total to 144 units.