To be read in conjunction with the program of study requirements for the degree in which you are enrolled:

To qualify for the Honours in Development Studies a student must complete satisfactorily 36 units of study as specified below. The program requires one year of full-time study or the equivalent part-time.

Course aims

The Development Studies sequence in the Honours program aims to:

  • develop planning, collaborative and management skills to successfully carry out research projects
  • introduce students to models of textual analysis and other research techniques in the field of development studies
  • develop student skills in applying these analytical models and techniques to actual examples of development interventions, problems or impacts
  • provide opportunities to acquire in-depth knowledge of specific areas of development studies
  • develop advanced oral and written communication skills.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the Honours program a student should be able to:

  • Apply development studies knowledge to address a research question
  • design a research project and select an appropriate analytical approach
  • demonstrate in-depth knowledge of a specific area of international development studies
  • collect information from a wide variety of international sources and subject it to critical evaluation
  • demonstrate advanced professional communication skills.

Program of study

Students undertake 18 units of thesis, 9 units of core topics and 9 units of elective topics. 

Honours - Development Studies - Thesis topic

Select 18 units from the topics listed below

 DVST7100  Development Studies Honours Thesis (18 units)  
 DVST7100A  Development Studies Honours Thesis (4.5/18 units)  
 DVST7100B  Development Studies Honours Thesis (4.5/18 units)  
 DVST7100C  Development Studies Honours Thesis (4.5/18 units) 
 DVST7100D  Development Studies Honours Thesis (4.5/18 units)  

Honours - Development Studies - Core topics

 DVST7007  Applied Development Studies  (4.5 units)
 DVST7008  Research Practice  (4.5 units)   

Honours - Development Studies - Elective topics

Select 9 units from the topics listed below

 ASST7014  Ideas about Asia  (4.5 units)
 INTR7002  Debating International Relations  (9 units)
 INTR7003  Governance and the new Political Economy of East Asia  (4.5 units)
 INTR7004  China and the Global Financial Crisis  (4.5 units)
 INTR7007  International Human Rights  (4.5 units)
 INTR7008  African Politics: Global Issues  (4.5 units)